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  1. Mungo Baobob

    Buying Lotus M thigh.

  2. Mungo Baobob

    Price and Availability Check on Booths for Sale on Toulan

    we are accepting offers, but have not set a price as we are not desperate to sell, and expect prices to continue to rise. that said ours is technically for sale.
  3. Mungo Baobob

    2023 Goals

    very close on point
  4. Mungo Baobob

    Damaged 16gb flash drive

    it only gets harder the farther you progress. be ready to farm and grind, some parts can't be rushed imo if it feels "off" come back later.
  5. Mungo Baobob

    Pyramid Event Respawn Timer

    a timer would be cool, but I would not want the stone pillar tp moved. it's nice having it next to the revive, makes it simple to get back in. If we had to run from the revive all the way to the temple over and over, would be annoying I think. with out a timer, the common practice has been run...
  6. Mungo Baobob

    Protectors against the cultist tide.

    your idea is awesome....I only laugh because im in a dark down with the cult type mood. plays right into my fantasy.
  7. Mungo Baobob

    VU 23.4 | Church of the Elder Gods

    ue5 engine should easily support more slot options...if MA is aware of the potential...
  8. Mungo Baobob

    Lotus Invader

    I looted a hitchhikers towel from them, but I do believe it must be ultra rare.
  9. Mungo Baobob

    VU 23.4 | Church of the Elder Gods

    welcome to the dark side
  10. Mungo Baobob

    Virtualsense Quarterly | September 2023

    that's me! Lotus with the mostest lol. Seriously tho thanks for featuring me, I love being part of this awesome community.
  11. Mungo Baobob

    Cuhof change

    Ahh my bad I always thought the skill gain msgs happened when killing the mob, not when clicking it to loot it. probably because I run autoloot on my ring. and you can see that what you get from each mob goes into the chest by running as a team, let player 1 kill only 1 mob while you kill the...
  12. Mungo Baobob

    Cuhof change

    you don't actually get looter skill when you loot the corpse tho right it comes from the other skills and from scanning them? your getting the same loot you would be getting from the mobs, it just goes to the chest instead of your it would be a lot of coding change, and...
  13. Mungo Baobob

    Don't change Horns of z'agol

    ue5 should just have a horns slot :) but then ai also think 10 rings 1 for each finger makes sense....
  14. Mungo Baobob

    OTIS Commander

    People just make a thread here setting a time and date And try to get people to show up At that time, they advertise in chat. Oftentimes, they'll set the time and date to be right as the monthly event is ending so that there will be a lot of people in the area.
  15. Mungo Baobob

    Lotus Armor... And after that?

    I do...but its totally tubular you using the word rad, :)
  16. Mungo Baobob

    Lotus Armor... And after that?

    as lootius if you were to ask me...
  17. Mungo Baobob

    Lotus Armor... And after that?

    we can hope and dream.
  18. Mungo Baobob


    nope. all it did was make a post.
  19. Mungo Baobob

    Loot Increase Message in the CUHOF Seem to Work

    Well, if you get lucky in 01 and get male foot guards, I'll by them
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